As you may know, April 26h of 2012 is the day I stopped eating meat. I marked each day that animals didn't come through my body with little cupcake stickers on my calendar. When, I realized that it was way too easy to stop eating meat, I cut out the first day of my cupcake sticker. That was the day I saw my grandma making chicken soup and I felt pure sadness. That was the day where my journey to becoming the happiest, kindest, humanest person I can be started. That was a really good day.
Today also marks my two-month anniversary of becoming a vegan. I am healthier than when I was vegetarian, happier, more energized and much more fit and active.
Why am I a vegan?
2. I can eat without regrets. Before I became vegan, I always felt a tug at my heartstrings when I took a bite of something that used to have a living, breathing heart. Pigs are in the top 10 smartest animals on the Earth, among rats, crows, elephants, dolphins and - coming in first - chimpanzees. It sickens me that half of American dog owners buy their companion animals Christmas gifts, while millions of farm animals are suffering throughout the nation. Even though I didn't harm the animal, I would be supporting an industry that finds nothing wrong with treating sentient beings like trash, or machinery. There was no way that I would live with myself becoming a part of that mindset.
4. I found a whole new community. Different hobbies and lifestyles share different communities. At Cross Country, I made tons of friends who love running just as much as I do. And after eating The Lucky Ones, written by Jenny Brown - the founder of Woodstock Farm Sanctuary, I couldn't even help but not eat dairy. It made me so, so sad in tons of ways - but in even more ways, I felt impowered. After reading the book and connecting with Jenny Brown's struggles as an animal lover turned plant-eater, I realized that I could really do this. With all of these health stores, vegan alternatives, websites, books, and newly-turned vegans, I was ready to become a vegan. You can follow my vegan eating at my Pinterest as well,
5. I can live happier and healthier. These days, I feel healthier and happier than I've ever been. I feel stronger and more energized, and in a way, more connected with nature and animals. I see no difference between my dogs and my cats in my family, the squirrels running outside, and the farm animals that I no longer eat. Animals are simply just like us, species that depend on others and deserve respect and compassion. I have big dreams for saving animals and I hope that my awesome readers will be with me every step of the way. You can follow my journey at I ask you, share the hashtag,#ProudtobeVeg today to help celebrate becoming vegetarian.Be a friend to animals and I hope you realize that the world can use more compassion-filled people like you.
Happy living!
For another post about vegan living, check out