The #RunAwesome Project

About the Project: 

Inspired by the wonderful idea of Caitlin Boyle's Operation Beautiful, I created the #RunAwesome Project. It all began on December 30th, one day after I broke my Runner's World Winter Run Streak. I missed one day; I was on vacation and 100% pressed for time. I didn't take not completing the streak easily... quite the opposite. I felt like my runs would have no meaning... I was only four days away from completing. Then something amazing happened, I had this vision to start my own Operation-Beautiful-type notes.

My would be different, though. They would be aimed towards both females and males, and would encourage others to reach their goals and chase their dreams. Hopefully my notes will inspire somebody, young or old, boy or girl, man or woman, to do their best, love themselves and change the world. Cause really, what else could you ask for?


Why did you start it? 
I'm hoping that #RunAwesomeProject will give my runs more meaning. Everybody can always use an inspiring message to encourage them to chase their dreams and goals.

Who is the project aimed towards? 
Everybody! I don't know a single person who wouldn't appreciate finding a #RunAwesomeProject note.

How can I help?
Look for ideas on starting your own notes below. Grab a sticky note pad and fill it up with these inspiring notes. Stick pads in your running jackets, bags or pants pockets in case you're on the go and you see a bench or stop-sign in need of notes.

What are the notes about? 
I want my notes to help people become inspired to chase their dreams and never give up. They are aimed towards the young and old, boy or girl! Everybody (whatever gender they are,) can always use some encouragement.

What should I write in my notes? 
Think about the last time you could've used inspiration and encouragement in your life. My notes have been following a goal-oriented theme, using stuff like If you can dream it, you can do it. 

What should I be cautious about when going on an Awesome Run? 
Make sure to not stick notes on privately owned property, like cars and front doors. Always stick them in appropriate places and avoid using tape outside on painted benches and things like that (it can remove paint and leave marks).  Keep your notes 'clean', inspiring and family-friendly! If you're not sure if a note is happy or encouraging enough, ask a friend or even yourself if they would be uplifted when they read it. Just like with the internet, Think Before You Post! 


The only thing setting your limits is your mind. 
You are destined for pure awesomeness.
Fall down seven times and stand up eight.
Never shy away from adventure.
Awesomeness awaits.
You will succeed. 
Smile. You'll make someone else smile and they'll make others smile and... it's awesome, trust me.
You. Are. Awesome. 
Today will be awesome.
Life is a big, action-packed adventure. Enjoy the journey.
Be somebody's reason to smile.
Trust yourself. 
Forget a plan - that's what life is for!
Make awesome happen.
You can do it.
Find your happy. 
Dreams are worth chasing. 
Make it happen. 
Whatever happens, don't forget to chase your dreams. 
Make big goals... you'll grow into them.
Make today a good, good day. 
Never ever, ever, ever, ever give up. Ever.
Always have hope that you will succeed. 

Happy Running