Heck yeah.
Um... isn't that a bit rhetorical?
I joined Cross Country running at my school... .and it's REALLY cool!
We ran a mile around the neighborhood on Thursday and I felt really good afterwards. I found this quote the other day (I would share it, but I cannot find it!!) that the best pain is being sore. I swear, it's true. I had a killing cramp on the last quarter of the mile and I felt like I couldn't go on. It was one of the worse that I've ever had, no exaggerations. I had on my bracelet that I won from BreathDeeplyandSmile.com (thanks, again!) and I kept going.and I was really thrilled with myself at the end.
EVERY SINGLE one of my teammates was cheering me on wildly and we were all pouring our waterbottles on our heads. The energy was amazing and yeah...that's what you get after a work.