The Cross Country season has officially ended. I think of the ways that it has strengthened me; the ways that it has brought me closer to my friends—the ways that make me much more than the ‘new kid’ at school. I remember every speedwork practice that we've done, running sled hills, sprinting back and forth along the fields. In total this Cross Country season, I've run about a 1 1/2 marathons.
I have grown taller, thinner and much, much stronger from the end of August, until the end of October. I have shared so many laughs and grins with my team, but not forgetting the pain and anxiety that we've encountered along the way. The nerves before my first race, the time where I was limping painfully because of my strained knee but I pushed terribly hard till the finish line. All the courses that I've ran, each one I remember so clearly. Each place I've gotten and each person I've helped out. More than a few times throughout the season, have I slowed down and helped out a person that was struggling and usually in tears from their cramps. I have had my fair share of injuries and cramps, too, so I could understand the struggle. And, obviously my friends and I have exchange quite a few "Hashtag, The Struggle is Real!".
But, man has it been so clearly amazing. Every time that I end I race I never regret a dessert... runners don't regret much at all.
Keep on Running,