Sunday, June 15, 2014

The End of My Vay-Cay

Hey, LEDs. My vacation was AWESOME! I went to Cedar Point in Sandusky, Ohio. I rode the Iron Dragon with my mom, dad, and older brother. Then my dad convinced me and my brother to ride The Maverick (watch the videos) , which is rated 'Aggressive Thrill' on the map. I said no-way but then I remembered how I vowed to myself to take advantage of my summer (and life!). So, yup. I did it. I closed my eyes the whole entire time and I began to felt afterwards that the roller coaster just seriously hated me! :-)

But, anyway, after my mom, dad, brother and I all went on the Blue Streak, which was a happy medium between the not-super-fast, but still freakishly fun, Iron Dragon and the terrifying, but terribly awesome, Maverick. So, yeah, Cedar Point was epic.

After that we stayed one night at Niagara Falls and rode the Maid of The Mist . It was so wet, hence the fact that it was pouring AND we were standing right under Niagara and Horseshoe Falls. So, yeah, that was really fun.

After that, on Thursday evening, we drove four hours to my uncle (well, Mom's cousin)'s farm in Pennsylvania. He and his wife have five cats, two dogs (all rescues), three parakeets, seven pigeons, three horses, three goats, and forty-three chickens. Yup, my dream. I'll post a ton of pictures really soon, I promise. I got some great #selfies there, too. So, yeah. Next week I'm leaving for Search and Rescue Camp (my second year) where we learn some first-aid in the wilderness, compass coordinates, sleep in tents and have a blast. I'm so excited because my friend who I met there last year is also coming along with one of my climbing friends.

I'll post some pictures soon!