Sunday, June 15, 2014

Impromptu Pictures

Hey, LEDs. Yup, I'm not gonna break that promise about posting pictures really soon. Here they are!
A Car Trip Selfie


OMG, our NY hotel room has a window seat!!


Look at those falls...


These flowers were so pretty to photograph with those darling little raindrops.

I slowed down our hike/walk a bit (well, a lot) to take pictures.

People probably thought this dandelion was a weed. But, hey! Who determines weeds V.S. flowers?

A very handsome mallard... 

Niagara Falls, NY!

Pretty Mama duck and her babies.

This handsome mallard is actually a daddy, I think.

AWW!!! Baby ducks. :)

Another Pretty Flower!

Someone put this sticker on the trash can in the trolley we were riding along by Niagara Falls, NY. Thanks for this, random person. 

The colors really pop in this pretty bench I spotted.

Mmmm... yum. This got me through an hour (well, twenty minutes) of our super long road trip.

This Bo, my uncle's painted horse.

And this is Missy, my uncle's horse that I got the pleasure of grooming.

Ooh! And all his chickens!

And his crazy, playful, part-alpine goat named Oreo.

I thought this hen was so pretty, too. 

And this is sweet ol' Benny, a Tennessee Walking Horse that my aunt and uncle rescued. 

Missy and Benny are Boyfriend and Girlfriend. Ha, ha.

Oreo the goat was so awesome...

And look at their sweet Airedale/Lab mix that my aunt and uncle rescued. His name is Mingo.

And this sweet kit-tay is Lucky because they found him, suffering from hypothermia on a cold day and they nursed him back to health. 

And here's Daisy!

And these adorable chickens!

Lili <3