Challenges. All bloggers do them. I don't require for you to comment or email your responses to me, I trust my blog-followers. So today, please read my latest running inspiration. I am posting this today in honor of those dedicated, wonderful individuals who are ran the Chicago Marathon on Sunday. If you have an exercise blog, I'm encouraging you to do TWO challenges:
- #StrengthintheWordRunner: Tell your readers (or send it to your family and friends in an email) what the word runner means to you.
- #AllRunnersAreCreatedEqual: 1. Encourage one other runner. 2. Push hard. 3. Be your own cheerleader. 4. List your achievements.
- #RealityRunnerSelfie: On your blog or email, post/send reality runner selfies and discuss imperfection and all it's beauty.

" If you run, you are a runner. Run a 5k, run an
Ironman, you are both runners equally. Instead of worrying what’s wrong with
you to not be able to run a marathon, remember where you started. I run 5ks and
that’s OK. Some people do not compete. They don’t need medals to know that they
are winners. So today, on your run, I ask you to encourage one other runner,
list your achievements and if you see someone that is struggling, do not make
fun. Instead, remember what it is like to struggle. Cheer them on, cheer
yourself on. Push hard, be strong. Feel a sense of community, feel a sense of
security, and feel a sense of calm in the word ‘runner’. Because 3.1 miles to
26.2, you are runners all the same, and it is a crazy wonderful world to run
in. " - Lili V