Saturday, September 27, 2014

What I've Enjoyed This Week #1

In my effort to get people to live their lives healthily and heartily, I'm going to start posting my What I've Enjoyed This Week posts. For the week of September 21st-28th, here it goes!

1. Belaying at a Fire Department Open House, volunteering with our local YMCA. I've been rock climbing there for over four years and I regularly volunteer at birthday parties and events for younger kids. I rock climb every Wednesday (brag alert) in the most advanced class. The people I've met through rock climbing are some of the coolest (and trustworthy) people I've met!

I don't have any pictures of me playing,
 but here's a Water Polo ball
2. Water Polo practice at our YMCA. We do intense drills and scrimmages and (I have to say) it's quite a workout! Luckily practice is on Friday nights; because I'm beat afterwards!

3. Cross Country meets with my school. I had two 1.5 mile meets this week and, although I didn't finish in first, I had so much fun with my running friends and I look forward to every meet!

4. Volunteering at a Water Polo Jr. class. Right before my water polo practice, I'm an assistant coach for younger kids. Honestly, these kids are ADORABLE and really crack me up. I love teaching them about my favorite sport and helping  them practice to become the best player they can be!

Running Cross Country
